The NGO Committee on the Family New York invites you to attend
Thursday, January 24th, at 1:15PM
Baha’i International Community Offices, 866 United Nations Plaza
Please bring government-issued photo identification and allow time to check in with security.
RSVPs required and accepted through January 22nd.
Please join us for a presentation by
Steven A. Cohen Military Family Center, NYU Langone Health
With introductory and concluding remarks by
Associate Professor, School of Psychology, Farleigh-Dickinson University
Please RSVP by January 22nd to attend at
Every family experiences transitions and difficulties, but resilience, driven by positive adaptations to these experiences, can help people to weather these challenges. Early research on resilience focused on individual traits; however, over the last two decades research has examined the diverse settings for resilience and identified the central importance of the family in developing resilience. Positive familial relationships can shape and reshape resilience in response to new challenges, opportunities, and vulnerabilities.
Dr. Sonia Mbabazi will discuss the importance of the family and the power of resilience based on her experience as a clinical psychologist working with military families at NYU Langone’s Steven A. Cohen Military Family Center. The Cohen Center provides free and confidential services for military
veterans and their families to address the unique stressors related to military service that include family relocation, parental separation, family reunification, and parental reintegration.
The presentation will discuss family-centered, strength-based approaches to addressing life transitions and challenges. Although this event will primarily feature the experiences of military families, the insights from that experience can be applied more broadly. The event will include discussion of the family as a primary source of resilience in addressing the variety of challenges encountered during life transitions.
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