Monthly Archives: November 2018

Increasingly under attack, women human rights defenders need better back up

Increasingly under attack, women human rights defenders need better back up
A group of United Nations human rights experts issued a joint statement on Wednesday calling on States to live up to their commitments to protect women human rights defenders, as they come under increasing attack, and with inadequate protection.
Increasingly under attack, women human rights defenders need better back up
Source: UN News – Women, Children, and Population

Open Meeting: November 13, 2018

Investing in Families and Child Wellbeing

Please join us for a presentation by

Eve Sullivan
President and Co-Founder, Parents Forum

With remarks by

Renata Kaczmarska
United Nations Focal Point on the Family

Thursday, November 15th, 1:15-2:30
Baha’i Center, 866 UN Plaza

RSVP here
