The family is the “natural and fundamental”* building block of society. Stable families are essential for stable communities, stable nations, and a stable world. The mission of the NGO Committee on the Family – New York is to promote, preserve, and protect the well-being of the family.
The NGO Committee on the Family-NY is part of the Conference of Non Governmental Committees (CoNGO). Through CoNGO, the Committee on the Family participates in United Nations debates and decision-making. The committee works cooperatively with other NGOs on substantive issues and brings expertise to government discussions at the UN.
To fulfill our mission we:
- Advocate for the inclusion of the family in international resolutions and poicies at the United Nations.
- Educate the public on international issues and policies affecting the family.
- Promote the well-being of children, parents, and the extended family.
- Support community’s role in strengthening the family.
- Work to ensure Member States commit to the betterment of families through policy, legislation, and programs, with respect for the sovereignty of nations in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations**.
- Maintain relationships with the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), the UN Focal Point on the Family, Department of Global Communication (DGC), Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations (CoNGO) and its committees, and Non-Governmental Liaison Service (NGLS).
* Universal Declaration of Human Rights Art. 16(3)
** Art. 2(1)
The NGO Committee on the Family – New York usually meets on the fourth Thursday of each month. In addition to monthly meetings, it sponsors side events at the Commission on the Status of Women. The NGO Committee on the Family – New York works closely with the UN Focal Point on the Family to develop programs for International Day of the Family, held each May.
The NGO Committee on the Family – New York is committed to fostering relationships and working collaboratively with other NGO Committees and civil organizations to effectively address:
- Climate change
- Armed conflict
- Natural disasters
- Poverty
- Gender equality
- Education
- Health
- Migration
- Trafficking
- Violence against women and girls