Monthly Archives: February 2023

Open Meeting: Feb. 23, 2023

Sons and Daughters of Working Mothers:Successes and Challenges
Thursday – February 23, 2023 (1:15 – 2:30 PM EST)

What woman would not want to see more men take a more active part in sharing household duties? A multinational Harvard Business School study a few years ago determined that sons of working mothers are more likely to grow up to assume a greater role in caring for family members and participate more actively in household

The U.S. government continues to press for more childcare so that more women can be employed outside the home and fill numerous job openings that are going begging. But is this government strategy given the rapid and radical shift that has just taken place in the American labor force?

This event should be viewed by working parents as an opportunity to learn from
experts in the field and make good choices for themselves and for their children.

A recording of this session is on our YouTube channel at:

Kathleen L. McGinn
Cahners-Rabb Professor of Business Administration
Harvard Business School

Katharine B. Stevens
Former Resident Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and in 2022 Founder of the Center on Child and Family Policy

Open Meeting: Jan. 26, 2023

The NGO Committee on the Family invites you to join a conversation with two Third Committee Representatives to the UN hailing from different regions of the world. Many countries have been experiencing consequences from a weakening of the family and a family-supportive culture.

Some national legislatures have decided to prioritize the family in their policies and programs, not in contrast to individual rights but in recognition of the family’s importance for personal development and society as a whole. Our speakers will share:

  1. their experiences lobbying for the family at the
    General Assembly this past year
  2. examples of family policies in their countries and why these were prioritized

There will be an opportunity for Q&A with the audience