Open Meeting: October 27, 2022

The NGO Committee on the Family New York invites you to save the date for our first meeting of the 77th General Assembly.

Parents’ Role in Fostering the Financial Literacy of Their Children

October 27, 2022, 1 – 2PM EDT (New York Time)

Speaker: Susan Beacham, Co-Founder, Money Savvy Generation

A recording of this session is on our YouTube channel at

(Click through for concept note)

The importance of being financially fluent cannot be stressed enough. According to the Financial Times, two-thirds of adults worldwide are financially illiterate. When should individuals start to learn about the proper handling of money and financial affairs? The sooner, the better, preferably at a young age. Since parents are the primary educators of their children, they should have the tools to teach their children to be financially responsible as they grow up.

Our speaker, Susan Beacham, has been aiding parents everywhere with the firm she co-founded with her husband, “Money Savvy Generation.” For over two decades Susan has employed clever ways and means to help parents teach their offspring about saving, spending, investing, and donating.

The NGO Committee on the Family has been wonderfully fortunate in the high caliber of panelists and speakers who have graciously addressed us. In an effort to enrich the intellectual experience of our audience, we have invited guests representing a diverse set of views and beliefs. We should note here that the expression of any views on this or any other program does not constitute an endorsement of those views by the NGO Committee on the Family, our member NGOs, or our co-sponsoring organizations.

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