The NGO Committee on the Family New York invites you to attend
The Importance of Family Remittances in Alleviating Poverty and Achieving the SDGs
Thursday, Mar 18, 2022, 1 – 2PM EDT (New York Time)
Please join us for presentations by:
H.E. Mr. Enrique A. Manalo, Permanent Representative of the Philippines to the United Nations
Pedro de Vasconcelos, Head of Financing Facility for Remittances, IFAD Rome
Ms. Vincenzina Santoro, American Family Association of New York
A recording of this session is on our YouTube channel at
(Click through for concept note)
People have been migrating since Prince Henry the Navigator of Portugal set sail to discover new worlds in the 15th century. Migration continues to this day as people leave their native lands in search of work and a better life for themselves and their families.
In most cases, the person most likely to find work will venture to a more prosperous country, find employment, and send a significant portion of his or her earnings home to their families, helping them to move out of poverty and enjoy a better quality of life.
According to the World Bank, emigrants’ remittances are expected to reach $774 billion in 2022 of which $605 billion is expected to go to low and middle income countries, surpassing both foreign aid and foreign investment. In recognition of the importance of remittances, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) designated June 16th as International Day of Family Remittances in 2016 and the UN General Assembly subsequently followed suit.
While families at home benefit economically from remittances, there is an emotional toll due to the separation of the family and immigrant. Speakers will cover both the economic and emotional aspects of remittances and migration.
The NGO Committee on the Family has been wonderfully fortunate in the high caliber of panelists and speakers who have graciously addressed us. In an effort to enrich the intellectual experience of our audience, we have invited guests representing a diverse set of views and beliefs. We should note here that the expression of any views on this or any other program does not constitute an endorsement of those views by the NGO Committee on the Family, our member NGOs, or our co-sponsoring organizations.
A recording of this session is on our YouTube channel at
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