Open Meeting: February 25, 2021

The NGO Committee on the Family New York invites you to attend

Adverse Childhood Events: Protecting, Preventing, Healing

Thursday, February 25, 2021, 1 – 2PM EDT (New York Time)

Please join us for presentations by:

Silvia Mazzarelli, Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean
Global Network of Religions for Children (GNRC)
Arigatou International;

Dr. Amanda Costello
University of Delaware

(Click through for concept note)

Families around the world strive to provide children with a safe and nurturing home environment to empower their children to thrive. However, many families experience unexpected difficulties and trauma that can negatively influence this home environment. Parents, families, and communities can work to prevent, protect, and heal from these adverse events.

Speakers will present insights from their practical experiences working with parents and families to promote a healthy environment for children to thrive.

Prevent and Protect – Silvia Mazzarelli Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean of the Global Network of Religions for Children (GNRC) and Arigatou International will look specifically at keeping children safe online and how the family can contribute to preventing access to material, and persons, that may adversely harm children.

Heal – In the unfortunate event of early childhood trauma, Dr. Amanda Costello from the University of Delaware will discuss the Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-up (ABC) home-visiting parenting program that was developed by Dr. Mary Dozier. This evidence-based program helps caregivers to develop strong relationships with their children through positive feedback on parenting strategies. The program is currently offered in 19 US states and 8 countries.

Unfortunately, there is not a recording of this event.

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