2023 Annual Graduate Student Forum on the Family

a group of people sitting on top of a wooden bench

On April 27, 2023, the NGO Committee on the Family-New York welcomed our annual Graduate Student Forum on the Family. The family is the “natural and fundamental” building block of society (UDHR Art. 16(3)). As such, stable families are essential for stable communities, stable nations, and a stable world. The optimal way to promote stable families is through parent empowerment and support. Speakers addressed programs that have supported parents with financial needs, from marginalized groups, and with special needs children. and addressed current research and implications for parents, community organizations, and policymakers.

Kimberly Mosley, University of North Texas
Special Families Act: A Proposal for Centering Neurodiverse Perspectives, Promoting Strong Families, and Improving Global Societies

Cecelia Samuels, University of North Texas
HIPPY Empowering Families, Building Communities: The Systems Impact of Home Visiting

Laura Spence, Catholic University of America
Mejores Familias: Making Families Stronger (Impact Evaluation)

A full recording of this event is now available on our YouTube Channel at


The NGO Committee on the Family has been wonderfully fortunate in the high caliber of panelists and speakers who have graciously addressed us. In an effort to enrich the intellectual experience of our audience, we have invited guests representing a diverse set of views and beliefs. We should note here that the expression of any views on this or any other program does not constitute an endorsement of those views by the NGO Committee on the Family, our member NGOs, or our co-sponsoring organizations.

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