Graduate Student Research Forum


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The NGO Committee on the Family, the premier organization of civil society actors promoting family at the United Nations, invites graduate students from all disciplines to submit a presentation proposal that focuses on their latest research demonstrating the importance of families in society. Selected participants will present at the annual Graduate Student Research Forum via Zoom on February 22, 2024.


  • Amazing professional development opportunity
  • Expand your professional portfolio
  • Receive recognition for and feedback about your research
  • Connect with other student researchers across the country


To be considered for selection, graduate students should submit a 500-word proposal outlining their research and its relevance to promoting strong families by January 8, 2024 to Preference will be given to proposals that contain:

  • A clear description of how families benefit society
  • Concrete policy proposals for legislators and executives
  • Worldwide applicability of both benefits and proposals


5-6 Selected presenters will be given 10 minutes to present as part of the committee’s annual Graduate Student Research Forum via Zoom from 1:15-2:45 p.m. EDT on Feb 22, 2024. Following the presentations there will be a Q&A period. Presenters will be given the option to share registration information with professors, classmates, family, and friends.


The deadline for submission is January 8, 2024. Submitters will be notified by Jan 22, 2024 if they have been selected to present. Selected presenters will then be expected to have at least one preparatory Zoom call with organizers (date TBD) in advance of the presentation on February 22, 2024.


The family is the “natural and fundamental”* building block of society.  As such, stable families are essential for stable communities, stable nations, and a stable world.  Therefore, the mission of the NGO Committee on the Family – New York is to promote, preserve, and protect the well-being of the family.

To fulfill this mission we:

  • Advocate for the inclusion of the family in international resolutions and policies at the United Nations.
  • Educate the public on international issues and policies affecting the family.
  • Promote the well-being of children, parents, and the extended family.
  • Support the community’s role in strengthening the family.
  • Work to ensure Member States commit to the betterment of families through policy, legislation, and programs, with respect for the sovereignty of nations in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations**.
  • Maintain relationships with the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), the UN Focal Point on the Family, Department of Public Information (DPI), Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations (CoNGO) and its committees, and Non-Governmental Liaison Service (NGLS).

* Universal Declaration of Human Rights Art. 16(3)

** Art. 2(1)